Jacqueline Connors Therapist near me

Jacqueline Connors
Life changing Therapy and Coaching

Therapy and Life Coaching for people who need more than a surface level approach in talk therapy

If you’re not getting what you want from self-help methods, talk therapy, life coaching, trainings and so forth, it’s time to stop trying the things that are keeping you stuck. Why? Because you need to address the limiting beliefs that overpowers your efforts.

Once you understand and apply the correct method for you specifically, life will then work out. Get the life changes you are aiming for.

Quicker than you realize!

This isn’t just therapy—it’s a strategic investment in your well-being and success.

Therapy – Life Coaching – Transformational Hypnosis

Life changing Therapy and Coaching for people who struggle to overcome negative, limiting and anxious thinking.

So what is the problem? The problem is that there are many kinds of therapy which often fall into a form of talk-therapy. It provides mental health support up to a certain level. However, there are limitations to on-going talk therapy.  People often find that therapy stops being effective after a point.

People are different. They have different histories, experiences, lifestyles, goals, and interests. Each issue is not the same so treating mental health conditions as such can prevent real healing and personal growth. A “one-size fits all approach” is rarely effective or life changing.

This is a better kind of therapy because it provides an effective and transformative experience that will help you make deep healing and life changing shifts. This approach is quicker than standard types of therapy because it focuses on making shifts in the subconscious mind.  It is only at this level where life starts to change! 


I will show you how you can feel better and do better through a better kind of therapy. I’ve helped many people improve how they think and how they feel. It does not mean pulling a tool from the standardized box of mental health treatment protocols because it fits the medical model. The medical model works in the medical setting, but it can be limiting in the world of mental health and personal development. 

Best Therapist in Napa”  

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Learn how to "upgrade" the negative programming of your mind!

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Therapy and self-help methods fail or lose effectiveness when change and progress does not happen. You keep talking about your story and the struggles are still there. You keep looking for tools and techniques but things still feel like a struggle.

Perhaps relief comes, but it is short-lived. Old negative thinking returns. The past is always revisited and you become stuck in looping and self-defeating thinking.

I offer a very modern and effective approach to therapy in Napa because I understand that traditional talk therapy is not always effective and often follows an outdated medical model.

 Therapist in Napa

This basically means a standardized approach to treat psychological issues and often reverts to only symptom management.

In this therapy and coaching we get you into mindset changes and reprogram limiting beliefs at the subconscious level. 

High Level Effective Therapy in Napa and California (In-person or online)est anxiety therapist near me me

Often therapy follows a medical model because standardized treatment plans have become the “cookie cutter of care” for insurance purposes. The mental health field is filled with this limiting approach, and it is not enough for effective mental health healing or sustainable change.

As a highly qualified professional in the mental health field, I am very adept in understanding what works and what doesn’t work. 

Whether you are looking for Social Anxiety help or how to be better in relationships,  this approach is customized to you, works on changes at the subconscious level and effects change in various areas of life that you want to want to change.

I am a therapist in Napa and provide services in-person or online. Whether you are looking for a therapist near me or remote, this method is highly effective. Best therapist in Nap

Life changing therapy and coaching in Napa and online



Issues in life are difficult to overcome just by thinking yourself better. Many times, the issues are deeper and so automatic that it just feels impossible to manage or change. Not sure what you need or how to begin? Start here.


Feeling stuck? In a transition personally or professionally? Want to re-boot yourself and succeed in all levels? This is more than just making goals, it's about significantly improving yourself at your core. Let's start!


Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a revolutionary method of therapy that can help you to achieve phenomenal, permanent outcomes and success. Incredibly powerful and effective. Ready to go deeper?


Best therapist in Napa

My name is Jacqueline Connors and I am a Board Certified  Licensed therapist located in Napa and have over 17 years of expertise in mental health and behavioral healthcare at Clinical as well as Administrator levels.  I now provide an effective and innovative approach in private practice therapy that goes beyond the typical talk therapy sessions. 

As a qualified clinical psychotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) practitioner I have a deep  understanding of patterns in human behavior at the subconscious level. I am also a Neurolinguistics Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner,  trained in Psych K and Brain-Based Coaching.

I help people get unstuck from ongoing habits and negative thinking patterns that prevents them from getting what they want in life, and from becoming the best that they can be. 

Therapist in Napa

Time goes by quickly. If you’re not where you want to be  there’s a reason. My goal is to guide you through deep healing and then get you where you want to be, feeling how you want to feel.

Why jump into this? Because life does not wait!  In-person and on-line therapy options.

Landmark Recovery Podcasts : When Talk Therapy Doesn’t Cut It (Spotify)

Best Therapist in Napa
Jacqueline Connors 5 Star Google Reviews


There are many types of therapy which often fall into a form of talk-therapy. Talk therapy can be very helpful and supportive up to a level. However, there are limitations and a person can get stuck in reliving their past. The work we do goes beyond just talking about your experiences but helps you transform for deep healing and life changing shifts. This approach helps you make continuing progress.

I was trained as a clinical therapist and  I have a thorough understanding of the different types of therapy and therapeutic models conducted in mental health.  I have supervised many therapists and social workers who conducted talk therapy in their sessions, I managed mental health programs and implemented policies. I know standardized therapy very well. It is effective to a certain level. However, I recognized that people can also get stuck in this type of therapy after a while and stop making progress. And often do. It can take a long time for change to happen and that is not always helpful when a person is finding a therapist because they need help now.  

Most of my clients have come to me having had done  years of therapy or coaching before and still do not see the results that they want. Working with the subconscious has been the most effective in life changing experience.

I am a firm believer that for therapy to be effective, it must involve working with changes at the subconscious level of the mind. This is the level where beliefs and old programmed conditioning is held. This is what is running your life.

Traditional approaches to mental health care does not address the subconscious.  This type of therapy works by getting to the root of the issue in the subconscious to help reprogram old, limiting beliefs about the self so that you can start thinking and feeling better quicker.

My therapeutic work involves making changes at this level and applies the work from my advanced trainings and experience in Psychotherapy, Neurolinguistics Programming (NLP), Brain Based Coaching, Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy  (CBT), Eye Movement Therapy and Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT). 

It is only at this level where you will get the most impactful and sustaining results for the change you have been looking for.  

Examples of changes in:

  • Self-sabotage
  • Procrastination
  • Fear of judgment
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Money blocks
  • Low self-worth
  • Indecision or just constant worry


The subconscious mind is the place where never-ending ruminating thoughts come from, the place where self-sabotaging behaviors are released, where low-self worth is hidden and feelings of not being good enough are securely held. It is our automatic thinking and behaving.

In our work together, you will  identify and release painful, frustrating and self-criticizing automatic thoughts embedded in your subconscious. The thoughts that run on automatic pilot and can be very difficult to control.

You will learn how to change these negative habits and limiting self-talk because the subconscious can be re-programmed and it can be re-programmed to work for you.

I will help you change negative thinking or painful belief patterns that hold you back.

Your habits become routine and the routine runs your life.  Breaking the habits at this level can change your life.




This is not your average therapy or coaching.  (In person and online therapy options)


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Please feel free to call me directly as well at  (707) 681-1556